
Apr 19 2021

Ditch the sofa

Ditch the sofa

This challenge is open to all ages – Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers, Young Leaders, Inspire, volunteers, and Trefoil Guild members. It can be done on your own at home, with a group of friends or your family, or with your unit – or mix and match. Leaders, you can use some of the activities for your unit meetings over the summer, whether meeting virtually or face to face.


The challenge has 5 parts to it – activities to do in the daylight, activities to do in the dark, activities to do out in the elements, a community good turn, and we want you to help us to travel all around the coastline of the UK! There are different activities for each age group – but you don’t have to stick to your section if you see another activity that you would like to do.


It’s easy to take part – you just need to do two activities from In the Daylight, two from In the Dark, two from In the Elements, your good turn, and travel a distance out in the open. When you have done all that you can buy your very special badge which is going to look amazing on your camp blanket


The event is finished.

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